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Recent content by Hamed-Azimi

  1. Legal URL Shortener

    Link Legal URL Shortener

    Legal URL Shortener is a service provided by Dadparvar for the members of legal society of the world to let them manage their legal URLs and keep track of them. Main features of the service is as below: Version 4.3.2: Create an account and manage URLs Dashboard to show quick statistics Summary...
  2. Hamed-Azimi

    Android Lexicons - Lexicons

    Lexicons is an application for law students to help them get more organized by letting them create Notebooks and add Unlimited Notes and TO-DOs. There are a lot of note taking applications out there and they are even more feature rich, but Lexicons focused on the must-have feature and also...
  3. Legal Social Network - Logo 1

    Legal Social Network - Logo 1

    First published Logo Reveal video for Legal Social Network
  4. My Highlights From the Book "Rework"

    Book My Highlights From the Book "Rework"

    Click Here if you want to buy Rework! I highly recommend to buy this book and read it. Notes below are just the parts that I highlighted in my book. Reading them alone won't help that much as some of them may look totally wrong based on some theories, but when you read them in the context, you...
  5. Legal Social Network

    Legal Social Network

    Legal Social Network (EN) is a professional invirenment for members of legal society of English Speakers. Different tools and features are provided to let members have their best experience. This site is not focused on any special country or legal system and is hosting lawyers, judges and any...
  6. Dadparvar


    Since 2012 Dadparvar started as a simple blog. Its activity was limited to provide legal contents and advice. Since 2012 (Summer) As the blog has been changed, Dadparvar started to provide new services like Forums, Legal Social Networks, Legal Media Center and ... hosted +18.000 members. Since...
  7. Gentility of the law

    Gentility of the law

    Gentility of the law -- Naser Katouzian
  8. Hamed-Azimi

    Series in Blogs

    A blog lets its owner to have a dedicated part to write and share his/her blog entries. (read more about blogs: Blogs (Legal Social Network)) There is no limit or restrictions in the number of blog entries in each blog, or in the content of each blog entry. But sometimes the author prefers to...
  9. Hamed-Azimi

    Create, Import and Export Events in Groups?

    Each Group can have its own Events section. Users with appropriate role and permissions can: add events import events export events Note 1: to import the event, you need to use an iCalendar format file! Note 2: exported event will have .ics format! How to create an event in Group? Click on...
  10. Hamed-Azimi

    How to get Verified Badge next to username?

    In order to get the Verified Badge, you need to fill an appropriate form. Click Here to see the list of Forms! Note: this form can be filled once by each person. Once the form is filled, it will be checked by staffs, and the decision will be made. If accepted, then the badge will be added, and...
  11. Hamed-Azimi

    Main Features of Groups or Teams

    Simply we can say: Each group has its own world! But lets see what are the main features of each group. By Main Features we mean that those parts has their own navigation tab inside the group: Wall Information Members Events Forums Media Gallery Statistics Note: Each part can be...
  12. Hamed-Azimi

    Different types of Teams or Groups in Legal Social Network

    There are 3 types of Teams or Groups that you can create in Legal Social Network: Open (Public) Closed (Private) Secret Lets see what are the features of each type. :emoji_unlock: Open (Public) Groups: Anyone can see the group Anyone can see list of members of the group Anyone can see...
  13. Dadparvar

    Poll What do you think about Categories and Prefixes for Articles and Blogs and Forums?

    Hello, At the end of this post, you can see the list of Categories and their available Prefixes in Article part of the site. Feel free to vote in the poll and accordingly, let us know your opinion. Before that, let me explain the process: First Check the Categories and Prefixes below. Then...
  14. Hello Legal Social Network!

    Hello Legal Social Network!

    Hello and Welcome to Legal Social Network, We are proud to announce that finally, Legal Social Network (EN) launched! (You can read more about this service HERE!) Our goal is to create a full feature, professional environment for members of legal society from all over the world, so that they...
  15. Hamed Azimi's Official Blog

    Hamed Azimi's Official Blog

    Official Blog of Hamed Azimi in Legal Social Network