براي کسب اطلاعات بيشتر در مورد محتواي اين بسته و آموزش نصب و استفاده ازآن، به زبانه سوالات متداول مراجعه کنيد.
توضيحات پديدآور:
توضيحات پديدآور:
Description: This concise English-Farsi (Persian) law dictionary contains almost 5000 words, phrases and abbreviations, including over 400 most practical Latin terms.
Searching an item in this glossary often brings a list of terms and their meanings in the result box instead of a single matching entry. This list contains a group of human selected relevant terms to the searched item and the searched item itself but not necessarily at the top of the list. This feature will improve the user's vocabulary and writing skills by showing a group of interrelated terms in a single list together.
For searching multiple words terms like phrases there is no need to type all the words completely, typing or clicking on just a single word - preferably the keyword - will culminate in the result.
[fa=fa-gift][/fa] برای دانلود چند دیکشنری مفید دیگر به قسمت بحث و گفتگوی مربوط به این منبع مراجعه کنید (برای مثال اینجا کلیک کنید و پست خانم فرزانه کامران را مشاهده کنید)Searching an item in this glossary often brings a list of terms and their meanings in the result box instead of a single matching entry. This list contains a group of human selected relevant terms to the searched item and the searched item itself but not necessarily at the top of the list. This feature will improve the user's vocabulary and writing skills by showing a group of interrelated terms in a single list together.
For searching multiple words terms like phrases there is no need to type all the words completely, typing or clicking on just a single word - preferably the keyword - will culminate in the result.