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Jurist UN rights experts raise concerns regarding inhumane treatment of journalist Jose Zamora

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Nov 11, 2016
UN human rights experts raised concerns Wednesday regarding the treatment of journalist Jose Ruben Zamora, who has been imprisoned in Guatemala for nearly two years, claiming that Zamora is being held in potentially life-threatening and inhumane conditions that could amount to torture.

The experts, including the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, have called for Zamora’s immediate release, asserting that his detention is arbitrary and violates international law, emphasizing that the dire conditions, including overcrowded cells with inadequate sanitation, insufficient food, and lack of access to natural light or fresh air, pose a significant risk to his health. The UN experts warned that if Zamora’s detention conditions are not urgently improved, they could lead to his death, urging the Guatemalan government to uphold its international human rights obligations and ensure Zamora’s safety and well-being.

Zamora, the founder and president of the elPeriódico newspaper, was arrested in July 2022 on charges of money laundering and blackmail. His supporters argue that these charges are politically motivated, aimed at silencing his critical reporting on government corruption.

Zamora’s case has attracted international attention, with a significant number of press freedom organizations and human rights advocates demanding his release. Previously, Amnesty International had declared Zamora a “prisoner of conscience,” demanding his release amid grave concerns regarding his treatment in Guatemalan prison and emphasizing the urgent need for reform to protect human rights.

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