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Jurist UN publishes report detailing human rights violations in North Korea

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Nov 11, 2016
The UN Office of the High Commissioner published a report on Friday detailing North Korea’s ongoing and worsening human rights crisis.

The report, which consists of numerous interviews with North Korean escapees and former officials and detailed accounts of human rights crises developed from consultations with human rights organizations, documents the abuses of human rights and dire living situations North Koreans face. The report examined the period from November 1, 2022 to October 31, 2024 and concluded that human rights violations were consistent and severe during this time.

There were a number of particularly prevalent forms of human rights violations. In detention, “the most frequently reported violations … were forced labour, torture, inhumane conditions … and a lack of adequate food.” Other common forms of human rights violation found commonly in North Korea were “enforced disappearances, including abductions,” “extreme restrictions on access to information and the suppression of freedom of expression,” “invasive surveillance and arbitrary arrests,” and “violations of the right to food [that] are strikingly consistent.” The right to access food has been violated increasingly since the COVID-19 pandemic, as the government has introduced policies making it more difficult to purchase food.

The High Commissioner made specific recommendations for North Korea to acknowledge its violations of human rights and administer internal justice, to allow human rights organizations to help, to provide victims with reparations, and to reduce the use of surveillance and the death penalty. The High Commissioner also strongly advised the UN’s Security Council to make a referral to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for an investigation into North Korea, which would mean that Kim Jong Un would no longer have international immunity against his arrest and prosecution in the ICC.

However, the UN Security Council has only ever made two referrals for ICC investigations—those being for Libya and Sudan. There have been discussions within the UN regarding referring North Korea to the International Criminal Court since 2014, but none of these calls from the general assembly have come to fruition. The ICC prosecutor previously independently opened an investigation into North Korea in the past which did not proceed, and sanctions have been issued on multiple occasions by the Security Council against North Korea.

Even though North Korea partially re-opened its borders after the COVID-19 pandemic in January 2020, the country has since consistently “further fortified the border and authorized border guards to use lethal force against anyone attempting to cross it.” North Korea has a history of consistently violating human rights, and human rights organizations have long campaigned for greater accountability internationally and domestically in North Korea for the state’s human rights violations.

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