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Jurist UN experts document Russia increasing executions of Ukraine POWs

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Nov 11, 2016
The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (the mission) reported on Monday that captured Ukrainian soldiers are being executed at an alarming rate.

The mission has recorded 79 executions in 24 separate incidents since August 2024. For all incidents, the mission obtained video and photo material showing executions or dead bodies.

The spike in executions is part of a pattern of abuse against Ukrainian prisoners of war (POW). The mission recorded at least 3 phone calls in 2024 in which Russian public officials called for executions. The Head of the mission, Danielle Bell, stated that “[c]ombined with broad amnesty laws, such statements have the potential to incite or encourage unlawful behavior.”

The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) published a report in August 2024 on the human rights situation in Ukraine. The report found that Russian public figures had advocated for the inhumane treatment, and execution, of Ukrainian POWs. 169 out of the 174 Ukrainian POWs interviewed by the OHCHR were subjected to torture and ill-treatment. The methods of torture used by Russian armed forces included severe beatings, electric shocks, suffocation, and sexual violence.

Additionally, the report stated that 104 of the 205 Russian POWs interviewed were subjected to torture by Ukrainian armed forces.

The international armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine is governed by international humanitarian treaties. Both nations are parties to the Third Geneva Convention, which states that POWs may not be subjected to torture. In particular, Article 13 of the convention provides for the humane treatment of POWs, including the prohibition of any acts or omissions that will cause death or seriously endanger the health of POWs.

The mission will continue to monitor the human rights situation in Ukraine. The mission reported the deprivation of human rights against Ukrainian prisoners of war in 2022.

In October 2024, Ukraine also accused Russia of torturing POWs systematically, with up to 90 percent of returned Ukrainian soldiers reporting abuse during detentions. Relatedly in November 2024, Ukraine prosecuted several Russian soldiers for executing Ukrainian prisoners of war.

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