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Jurist Sudan paramilitary group RSF attacks White Nile state killing hundreds of civilians

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Nov 11, 2016
Sudan paramilitary group, Rapid Support Forces (RSF) ambushed and attacked on Tuesday the White Nile state villages including Al-Kadaris and Al-Khalwat, leaving hundreds of civilian victims. The news was announced in a statement by Emergency Lawyers, a Sudanese group of legal practitioners dedicated to providing urgent legal support and addressing human rights violations in Sudan.

Emergency Lawyers estimated the total number of civilian fatalities at 200+, among them being women and children. They also submitted that the attacks conducted by RSF in these areas were in the form of field executions, kidnapping, forced disappearances, and looting. Emergency Lawyers also stated that the RSF militia exterminated civilians who tried to escape by crossing the Nile using live bullets.

The Minister of Culture and Information, Khalid Ali Aleisir, in a statement, labeled the attack by RSF as the latest manifestation of systematic violence against civilians. According to the UN, the RSF has been conducting deliberate attacks on civilians and civilian objects since early 2023 when it began conflicting with the Sudanese government forces. Apart from causing deaths, these attacks have caused the displacement of over 12 million people, among whom 3.3 million have fled across the border to neighboring countries as refugees. These victims have also been exposed to acute hunger and lack of healthcare services.

Minister Aleisir in the statement classified RSF as a terrorist organization due to the committal of a series of crimes that conflict with humanitarian law, religious values, and international law. The actions perpetrated by the RSF run contrary to the principle of distinction outlined in Articles 48 and 52 of Additional Protocol 1 to the Geneva Conventions, which requires belligerents to distinguish between military objects and civilians and civilian objects. They also constitute war crimes as outlined in Article 8 of the Rome Statute.

On Monday, the UN and its partners launched a $6B humanitarian aid package towards alleviating the humanitarian crisis in Sudan, aiming to target about 35.2 million people.

The African Union has termed the Sudanese civil war as the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. UN Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, stated that the humanitarian crisis in Sudan “underscores the utter failure by both parties to respect the rules and principles of international humanitarian and human rights law”.

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