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Jurist Philippines human rights watchdog expresses support for proposed internet safety education bill

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Nov 11, 2016
A human rights watchdog from the Philippines declared its “full support” for the passage of a proposed internet safety education bill protecting children from online sexual abuse and exploitation on Monday.

The Commission on Human Rights (CHR), an independent National Human Rights Institution, expressed its approval of the newly introduced Senate Bill (SB) 2934. The bill, entitled “An Act Establishing a Safety Internet Education Program in the Curriculum of All Elementary and Secondary Schools,” seeks “to complement Republic Act No. 11930,” the “Anti-Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children (OSAEC) and Anti-Child Sexual Abuse or Exploitation Materials (CSAEM) Act” passed in 2022.

Educating children by providing them with “sufficient knowledge” and inculcating “a responsible attitude towards the internet,” the bill seeks to ensure children can navigate the internet safely and combat threats. Furthermore, it aims to guarantee “a preventative mechanism” to avoid them falling into the “dangers of the internet.”

The commission highlighted the importance of taking immediate measures. The Explanatory Note to the bill establishes its alignment with a proposed measure from a 2017 UNICEF study, “The State of the World’s Children 2017: Children in a Digital World.” The study noted the risk of child exploitation as exceptionally high in the Philippines, identifying the country as “the number one global source of child pornography and a hub for the live-stream sexual abuse trade,” with “around 8 out of every 10 Filipino children” at risk of online sexual abuse or bullying. The study’s recommendation of “teaching digital literacy to keep children informed, engaged, and safe online” is reflected in the proposed bill.

Commending the Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Estrada for “advancing this vital initiative to enhance online safety for children,” the CHR statement notes, “taking a proactive and rights-based approach” through institutionalizing internet safety education certifies that “young Filipinos are equipped with the tools to protect themselves and think critically, particularly in the context of the digital age.”

The CHR is authorized to investigate human rights violations involving civil and political rights in the Philippines. The commission acknowledges the vitality of “integrating internet safety education into schools,” highlighting its importance in empowering “Filipino children with the knowledge and skills to navigate online spaces responsibly and help create a safer digital environment for all.”

According to a UNICEF Philippines report, two million children in the Philippines were victims of online sexual abuse and exploitation in 2021. The organization stressed the necessity to guarantee children’s online safety and provide a safe digital environment for all children.

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