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Jurist Kyrgyzstan urged to ensure safety of imprisoned human rights defender

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Nov 11, 2016
Eight human rights organizations called on Kyrgyzstan authorities on Friday to take necessary measures for the safety of Makhabat Tazhibek Kyzy, an imprisoned human rights defender who has received death threats from a fellow prisoner.

Tazhibek Kyzy is the director of the YouTube-based media outlet Tazhibek Kyzy, founded by her husband in 2020. The media outlet investigates and reports on corruption by state and non-state actors in Kyrgyzstan. Tazhibek Kyzy’s husband, Bolot Temirov, shared her handwritten letter seeking help earlier this week.

According to a public statement released after a recent visit by representatives of the National Center for the Prevention of Torture, the threats against her appeared to be resolved. However, the rights groups highlighted concerns for her “safety and well-being persist due to her vulnerable position in prison.”

Law enforcement raided Tazhibek Kyzy’s office at Temirov Live in January 2024 and arrested her. As a result of the corruption investigations published by the media outlet, she was charged with criminal offenses of organizing, promoting, and planning mass civil unrest under the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

During the pre-trial stage last April, she and her four other cellmates were reportedly subject to physical violence by law enforcement officers. Front Line Defenders reported that representatives of the National Center for the Prevention of Torture of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan visited the detention center at that time but the center’s staff prevented them from taking any pictures of the bruises. Prosecutors dismissed her claims by accusing her of fabricating the injuries.

Tazhibek Kyzy was sentenced to six years imprisonment in October. Human rights groups said the charges lacked sufficient evidence and are “politically motivated and trumped up in retaliation for the journalists’ investigative reporting.”

The collective statement urging for safety measures to protect Tazhibek Kyzy comes from The Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Human Rights Watch, Civil Rights Defenders, International Partnership for Human Rights, Front Line Defenders, Araminta, International Federation for Human Rights, within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, and World Organisation Against Torture, within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders.

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