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Jurist Human rights organizations urge businesses to cease trading with Honduras company over human rights violations

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Nov 11, 2016
A coalition of human rights organizations issued a letter on Wednesday urging international companies to suspend their trade transactions with Corporación Dinant, a company in Honduras that manufactures consumer products and sells snacks, cooking oils as well as processed foods throughout Central America. The organizations cited severe human rights violations against local farmers and unethical business practices related to Dinant’s palm oil production as the reason for this suspension.

In their joint letter, human rights organizations stated that Corporación Dinant’s activity and the expansion of its palm plantations in the Aguan Valley have involved human rights violations for decades. These violations include land grabs, intimidation, prosecution, and even the murder of local peasants and rural communities who opposed Dinant’s land expansion. Organizations also highlighted the use of violence by security forces and other armed groups allegedly linked to Corporación Dinant.

The organizations further added that land conflicts and repression against smallholders and local peasants in Aguan have been escalating since December 2024, when irregular groups conducted armed attacks against agricultural cooperatives, leaving hundreds of families in dire humanitarian conditions. Similar attacks on agricultural cooperatives occurred in January and February, along with a defamation campaign targeting human rights organizations defending the rights of local farmers against Dinant’s expansion plans. Finally, the signatory organizations emphasized the necessity for companies trading with Corporación Dinant to take action to ensure that their supply chains are free from human rights and environmental violations.

Human rights violations and environmental abuses in global supply chains have raised international concerns in recent years due to the high number of abuses committed by international corporations, including forced land grabs, environmental damage, exposure to toxic substances, and child labor. Those most affected by these abuses are often vulnerable groups such as women, migrant workers, children, local farmers, and indigenous communities. Although there are currently no legally binding international norms addressing this issue, the United Nations has established a set of international standards for businesses, called the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. These principles define due diligence measures that businesses should implement to identify, mitigate, and respond to human rights risks in their supply chains.

In line with these efforts, many other foreign countries created specific regulations to address human rights abuses in companies’ supply chains. The European Union’s parliament approved a bill in April 2024 that forbids the sale, import, or export of products made using forced labor. Additionally, a European directive known as the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive obliges companies to respect international human rights and environmental standards in their supply chains or they can be held accountable before European courts.

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