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Jurist Human rights groups raise concerns over UN framework on sex-based violence

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Nov 11, 2016
Twenty-three human rights organizations and individuals, including Amnesty International, raised concerns about sex-based violence on Thursday. The report titled, “Forms of Sex-Based Violence Against Women and Girls: New Frontiers and Emerging Issues” comes after the UN Special Rapporteur called for input in the upcoming 59th session of the UN Human Rights Council.

The submission contended that the shift in terminology from “gender-based” to “sex-based” violence is a concerning step. The new framing undermines the decades of progress in addressing violence against women and other vulnerable groups. This approach reverts to an outdated binary understanding that fails to take into account modern scientific development and diverse gender identities.

Additionally, the statement cited research from Nature and the World Health Organization which have demonstrated that the characteristics of sex lie on a spectrum. On this basis, the proposed framework could potentially jeopardize individuals whose experiences fall outside the ambit of traditional binary categories.

Moreover, the organizations suggested that the interpretation of international law misrepresents the thirty years of progress in human rights jurisprudence. Numerous UN bodies and regional human rights mechanisms have increasingly come to recognize the importance of gender identity in shaping instances of discrimination and violence.

The statement concluded that maintaining a gender-based analytical framework as a central aspect of examining violence against women and girls is a more effective approach. Gender-based violence stems from social structures and power dynamics rather than biological determinism. International human rights bodies, including the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), have long recognized the same as essential for addressing structural inequalities and discrimination.

Noting that human rights instruments are “living documents” that must evolve with contemporary challenges, the submission called for a recommitment to inclusive and evidence-based approaches to human rights protection based on the global acknowledgement of the diversity of individual experiences.

In early February when Sara Godfrey, a researcher at the Global Accountability Network, spoke with JURIST, she raised a similar concern on the limitation of focusing on sex-based violence instead of gender-based violence. She contended that focusing on gender is important to capture the true range of harms experienced by victims of gender-based crimes, including violence that goes beyond the scope of sexual violence.

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