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Jurist European Commission annual rule of law report highlights persistent decline in several EU member states

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Nov 11, 2016
The European Commission (EC or Commission) published the 2024 Rule of Law report, reporting a decline in democratic standards in Hungary, Italy, and Slovakia.

The Commission’s annual rule of law report assesses the state of the rule of law across EU member states, focusing on areas such as judicial independence, anti-corruption efforts, media pluralism, and institutional checks and balances. The comprehensive reports analyze every member state and provide specific recommendations for deficiencies.

Hungary, Italy, and Slovakia have notably stood out in the European Commission’s 2024 report for their persistent challenges regarding judicial independence, corruption, and media freedom. These problems have drawn repeated criticism in previous reports, underscoring ongoing concerns about democratic backsliding in these nations.

The Commission’s report on Hungary highlights critical concerns regarding the rule of law, including the erosion of judicial independence due to undue influence from the executive and legislative branches. Media freedom and pluralism are threatened by increased government control, and the misuse of public funds and insufficient anti-corruption measures mark pervasive corruption. Additionally, the weakening of institutional checks and balances has concentrated power in the executive branch, reducing accountability. The report also notes restrictions on civil society organizations, which face regulatory and financial pressures that stifle dissent and limit their activities.

The report on Italy highlights several issues regarding corruption, the judiciary, and media freedom. Corruption remains a significant challenge, with widespread allegations and inefficiencies in anti-corruption measures. The judicial system faces problems, including prolonged legal proceedings and significant delays that undermine public trust and the timely administration of justice. Media freedom is also a concern, as political interference and ownership concentration limit media pluralism and independence.

The EC’s report on Slovakia raises concerns about political interference, media freedom, and institutional checks and balances. Political interference in the judiciary undermines its independence and impartiality, while pervasive corruption continues to be a significant issue, affecting public trust and transparency. Media freedom is also reportedly compromised by a controversial reform of the public broadcaster and decreased autonomy of media. Additionally, the report highlights the need for more vigorous institutional checks and balances to prevent abuse of power and ensure effective governance.

The rule of law has increasingly made headlines in the European Union, as concerns about its insufficiency and decline become more prominent. Reports from the European Commission and other watchdogs have highlighted significant issues in several member states. These ongoing challenges underscore a troubling trend of a broader democratic backsliding within the European Union.

The findings of the 2024 report could lead to increased scrutiny and potential sanctions against Hungary, Italy, and Slovakia as the European Commission seeks to uphold democratic standards across the Union. None of the countries’ state officials have responded to the publication so far.

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