If you already have an account, please login, but if you don't have one yet, you are more than welcome to freely join the community of lawyers around the world..
A blog lets its owner to have a dedicated part to write and share his/her blog entries. (read more about blogs: Blogs (Legal Social Network)) There is no limit or restrictions in the number of blog entries in each blog, or in the content of each blog entry. But sometimes the author prefers to...
Each Group can have its own Events section. Users with appropriate role and permissions can:
add events
import events
export events
Note 1: to import the event, you need to use an iCalendar format file!
Note 2: exported event will have .ics format!
How to create an event in Group?
Click on...
In order to get the Verified Badge, you need to fill an appropriate form. Click Here to see the list of Forms!
Note: this form can be filled once by each person. Once the form is filled, it will be checked by staffs, and the decision will be made. If accepted, then the badge will be added, and...
Simply we can say: Each group has its own world! But lets see what are the main features of each group. By Main Features we mean that those parts has their own navigation tab inside the group:
Media Gallery
Note: Each part can be...
There are 3 types of Teams or Groups that you can create in Legal Social Network:
Open (Public)
Closed (Private)
Lets see what are the features of each type.
:emoji_unlock: Open (Public) Groups:
Anyone can see the group
Anyone can see list of members of the group
Anyone can see...
Hello and Welcome,
We are pleased to launch Legal Social Network [EN]. To know more about this service, you can check its official site: IUS.CENTER
We wish to have the best and the most professional environment of members of :emoji_scales: legal society of the whole world...
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